domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012

"O maior prazer que alguém pode sentir é o de causar prazer aos seus amigos."  

quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

Baile no Moulin de la Galette

Pierre Auguste Renoir, "Le Moulin De La Gallette"
"Baile no Moulin de la Galette", de Pierre Auguste Renoir, é o sexto quadro mais caro de sempre. Foi vendido por 78,1 milhões de dólares em 1990, o que hoje equivaleria a 138,7 milhões. 
O quadro finalizado em 1876 é um dos mais famosos do impressionista francês e espelha a atmosfera de vivacidade que se vivia no bairro de Montmartre no século XIX.

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012

Dear Photograph

Dear Photograph,
It was 2003 and I was still in college trying to decide whether I should become a psychologist, a social worker or a rock star. The hair, the cigarette and playing my guitar during breaks while hanging out in the student office led me to believe I was on my way to becoming the rock star.  Nowadays, I still play the guitar here and there, I’ve cut my hair and quit smoking. I’m a psychologist and I’m still deciding whether I’ve sold out or I’ve become a productive adult.

Dear Photograph,
It was 2003 and I was still in college trying to decide whether I should become a psychologist, a social worker or a rock star. The hair, the cigarette and playing my guitar during breaks while hanging out in the student office led me to believe I was on my way to becoming the rock star.  Nowadays, I still play the guitar here and there, I’ve cut my hair and quit smoking. I’m a psychologist and I’m still deciding whether I’ve sold out or I’ve become a productive adult.